Changsha: The Official Adoption Process
May 20, 2002


We went to the provincial government offices in Changsha, Hunan to do the actual adoption. Here we are waiting for our turn to meet with the officials.

Shown clockwise: Cathy (holding Megan), Frank, Nancy with Julie, Marla with Linzhi, Ilene, and Rich with Sophie.


Linzhi sleeps while Baba waits.


Elen checks on the group as we wait our turn.

Shown clockwise: Nancy with Julie, Marla with Linzhi, Ilene, Rich with Sophie, Tricia with Chloe, Elen, Randy , Danise with Kira?, Dave with Claire, Mercy, and Tamara with Lily.

After completing the adoption papers, Linzhi's footprint is added.